Canadian Consulting Engineer

AVFQ, FGIA agree to collaborate

February 3, 2021

They will share information and offer reciprocal benefits.

AVFQ and FGIA logos

An official agreement for collaboration between l’Association de vitrerie et fenestration du Quebec (AVFQ) and the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) has been finalized, allowing the two organizations to pursue mutual synergies.

The collaboration was formalized on Dec. 27, 2020, and is intended to enhance the reach and visibility of both organizations, while ensuring efficiencies in monitoring codes and regulatory affairs in Canada. AVFQ and FGIA will share information and offer reciprocal benefits to their members in areas like education, advocacy, technical standards, research and product certification.

“Involvement in national Canadian codes and regulatory work is one of the core activities of FGIA that can bring valuable information to AVFQ, making its members aware of the latest developments outside Quebec,” explains FGIA executive director Janice Yglesias. “In turn, AVFQ will provide information regarding relevant developments within Quebec.”


The agreement also offers discounted rates for AVFQ members to attend FGIA conferences in Canada and virtual conferences, while FGIA members may attend AVFQ’s annual conference at a member’s discounted rate. And a task group will explore the potential for AVFQ to adapt and use FGIA educational content.


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